Every relationship has a story to tell. Whether bounded by distance or not, disability or not, a long distance relationship taught me what it meant to have faith in someone.
It taught me to cast out doubt and take me to a place of prayer. Having good faith (if there is something like that), that they are faithful to you and only you. 
“Am I writing this from a point of fear?” No, not at all. I still have faith in humanity doing what is true and right to one another.
Back then I would write from a point of fear, but I’ve grown into love and believing what it can bear fruits. I know what the bible talks about perfect love cast out fear.
I am still yet to learn the lessons and trials that come with it, but I am open to what love change in love even though the end may not be marriage but it will leave me a changed man.
I know love is strong as death and once doubt come plaguing in your heart, then I wonder if I will have hope to see her become the wife of thy youth.
That wife who exists in earth and you’ve been praying for her. “Is she the one?”

And sometimes I am amazed with the peace in Adam’s heart beyond benefit of doubt that Eve was the being he was longing for. A woman who spoke the same language and would offer warmth, for two keep warm.
So, it’s a reminder to pray for her. Pray for her strength. Pray for her boldness and humility to stand out among women. Pray that the fear of Lord may invade her space in all that she does.
Pray even while in doubt. Pray even when your heart is heartbroken. It’s a true reminder we cannot put all our hopes in one person and expect more from them.
They are not God, but sure, we can be gracious enough to each other. We can have empathy for they are sinners redeemed to saints when they fall short.
Yes, they have flaws, but love them anyway.
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  • This words by Red #JamesSpader “There are no bad or good people -there are just people.” gives me a reason living for tomorrow, a reason for trusting there better persons meant for us even if we a time don’t trust in our very being. With trust, lives are born, gaps bridged and nations build. Where trust exist, anything is possible-This makes the world a better place.

    Gedion Turi's May 5, 2023 9:13 pm Reply

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