Is Eastleigh a Slum?

One of the thing that lingers in most people’s mind is that Eastleigh is a slum. But is this really the truth about this matter? Eastleigh is located in the eastern side of Nairobi CBD on the way to Mathare through Juja Road.

Eastleigh is known for its prowess in clothing business with most people throughout the country purchasing their clothes in this vast business center.

The question to Eastleigh being a slum is of essence as this tells you what to expect before you visit to make the first purchase.

Why is Eastleigh Associated with being a Slum?

The main reason why some people refer to Eastleigh as being a slum include the following;

  • Poor Infrastructure – The roads round the streets of Eastleigh are really wanting with only the main roads being well carpeted. Most roads connecting the streets have been used as dumpsites by the locals hence making it seem to be a slum.
  • Poor Drainage – Eastleigh is located in a relatively flat terrain hence making the drainage quite troublesome especially during the rainy seasons. If you visit this area during the rainy season, you can attest of the poor drainage. The roads are filled up with mud combined with waste which is very common in most slums.
  • Neighbors Major Slums in Nairobi – Lastly, Eastleigh is referred as a slum by some people due to its localities. It borders some of the major and oldest slums in Nairobi which include Mathare and Majengo Slums. With this, it is easy to confuse Eastleigh as being a slum in while it is not.

Is Eastleigh Really a Slum?

No, Eastleigh is not a slum, it is high peak business area unlike most of the neighboring towns in Nairobi. The vast business in the area has attracted huge investments and skyscraping business buildings which are never found in slums.

There are huge flow of money in this township with billions of shillings flowing in the area per month. As a result, we can never refer Eastleigh as a slum.

Additionally, the huge buildings in Eastleigh are not found in slums with most being more than 5 storey houses.

Final Words

Eastleigh is a nice place to go especially if you are looking for clothing shopping in Nairobi. It features all types of clothes and fabrics you might be looking for. Additionally, the clothes in this places revolve along all fashions. Just visit the town and enjoy shopping.

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