A letter to death-2…

Honestly speaking I’ve come to understand that no matter how many psychology books I have read, they will never explain why God allowed us to go through certain things.
This past few weeks I have seen friends lost close friends, I have watched the media reporting cases of death from various crimes and accident and today a friend shared the same news of a woman who was knocked down by a car.
Ever wondered what words to say when the people who are close to you have to go though this process? Some days I don’t have the words to comfort them but all I can is to pray for them and process about it on my side.
I have lost not one or two friends but I have lost a mentor, a brother and more like a father to me years back and I wrote this piece in remembrance of him last year as I was reflecting the outcomes of COVID pandemic.
May the Lord of peace give you absolute peace to endure the process. He was there, He allowed it to happen but I hope you see what He sees when He allows pain in our lives.

Dear Death,

I will make peace with your departure because I know today is you and tomorrow it will be I. That’s why death is a culture but we are still promised eternal life to those who believe in Christ.
I promise you I won’t live life like a dog just because I am a man, but I will strive to find my will and purpose and to accomplish it. I will care less about my emotions of desiring to quit and care much about the end goal of becoming.
I will surely miss you, but I will find a way to share your smile, to share your heart and to remind me of what is the essence of serving a community without the need of being paid.
Therefore as a soldier, I will stand my boots, I will learn to applaud and listen to the silent tomb from the womb of the earth because no grave could hold your body down.


21 July 2020…

This song is reminder of what Christ did when he went to down the gates of hades and set the captives free.
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